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[TTDP 008] it really gave a bunny girl some hope

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2020 8:48 pm
by paarfi
Fred posted the latest TTDP comic to WebToons.

For those of y'all who don't follow Fred's twitter or the twitch streams or the discord. His dad has declined some more, and they now have him in the home now with Fred's mom. His dad had kinda resisted most prep for that eventuality, and that has Fred now running around talking to lawyers, trying to deal with their house, and all the other things that come with that. That has been the main reason for the slower comics lately, and there is probably more of that to come for a little while. He's still doing the comics, and another MT comic should be next. But they'll be a little slower than they have been for a little while longer, I expect.

Re: [TTDP 008] it really gave a bunny girl some hope

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2020 8:54 pm
by Fujii Yakumo
First off ...... Thank you, Fred, for a nice "side story", I guess, set in the Megatokyo universe. Intriguing characters, pretty girls, interesting plot (so far) ... I say this is good stuff.

(Okay, so somewhere in this gray-haired skull of mine is a 16-year-old boy. Sue me.)

As for Fred's situation, it does suck. My father went pretty quickly -- less than a year after a diagnosis of kidney cancer at age 70 back in '97. He was determined to die at home, and needed help only in the last month or so. Still, to see him go from being as big and strong as an ox to a gaunt shadow of himself was painful. It was probably worse for my sister -- she can remember him as a young man in his later 20s back in the '50s. I came along ten years later (1962), so for me he was always middle-aged.

My mother went "harder". She had to go into assisted living at the end of 2003, and then into a nursing home in 2009, and it was a long decline into a "second childhood" by 2016. She finally died of respiratory arrest at age 91 this past February, but in a sense she died a long time ago. :cry:

All of this is probably a (somewhat self-centered) way of telling the complainers to back off. Fred is dealing with some serious issues, and Megatokyo, as much as we love it, and are grateful to Fred for producing it, has to take a back seat to what he's doing right now.

I hope he has family who can help with the emotional aspects of the situation, and who maybe live close enough to his parents to take care of some of the physical aspects -- the house-clearing, the bureaucratic paper-chases, etc. -- that are "draining the cup" of Fred and Sarah's joie de vivre.

Re: [TTDP 008] it really gave a bunny girl some hope

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2020 9:52 am
by Natsumi
Nice to know I'm not the only gray head around these parts. Having lost both of my parents (Mom in my 20s, Dad in my 40s) and as an only child having been a caregiver for both, especially Dad in his declining years with dementia... yeah. Fred has my full support.